Start saving now

Savings is the act of setting aside money for future use. There are so many different methods to save money, and the best way is the one that fits your circumstances. Saving money can be a challenge, but it is worth it in the long run. Having a savings cushion will give you peace of mind and make it easier to weather unexpected financial setbacks. It also helps you to reach your long-term financial goals, such as buying a house or retiring comfortably.

Methods of saving money

  • Savings account. A savings account is a bank account that earns interest on balances in the account. Savings accounts can prescribe the minimum monthly deposit or the number of permitted withdrawals in a year. This means that your money will grow over time.
  • Automate your saving. You can automate your savings by setting up a direct deposit from your salary into your savings account. This way you will be better able to manage the savings
  • Budget. A budget is a plan for how you will spend your money. It can help you to track your expenditure so that you avoid overspending.

Saving Tips

  • Set specific goals for your savings. What do you want to save for? A down payment on a house? A new car? Retirement? Having a specific goal will help you stay motivated and easily track the progress of saving.
  • Create a plan to save. How much money do you need to save each month in order to reach your target? What other expenses do you need to forgo?  How will you make that happen? Having a plan will make it more likely that you will reach your goal.
  • Track your progress. Keep a record of how much money you are saving each month. This will help you evaluate your plan, modify it and make it relevant to your prevailing circumstances and needs.
  • Don’t quit. Saving money takes a lot of time and effort, but it is worth it in the long run. Therefore don’t give up your long-term goals due to short-term challenges.

Practical Examples

  • Saving for a down payment on a house:
    • Firstly you need to save for a down payment of at least 20% to avoid paying private mortgage insurance (PMI).
    • Create a budget and time frame for which it should be achieved.
    • Set a goal for how much you want to save each month from your salary or other income sources
    • Automate your savings
    • Look for ways you can cut your expenses. You can consider downgrading and moving into a cheaper apartment.
  • Saving for retirement:
    • Start saving early. The earlier you start the better your retirement fund will be at the end.
    • Contribute to a retirement plan through your employer, if offered.
    • Invest your retirement savings in a diversified portfolio. You can seek the services of professionals to manage the retirement fund on your behalf.
    • Always have medical insurance in retirement
    • Downsize your home or move to a less expensive area after retirement.
  • Saving for a car:
    • Your saving target should be a down payment of at least 20% to avoid paying high-interest rates.
    • Create a budget and timeframe for the goal to be achieved.
    • Set a goal for how much you want to save each month.
    • Automate your savings into a savings account
    • Look for ways to cut back on your expenses.
    • Consider buying a used car.


There are so many reasons why you should save money. Whether it is to buy a house, car, vacation, or wedding the basic steps to consider are the same. Saving is a culture we should all embrace as it helps us achieve our goals in life. Saving is not a sprint but a marathon so embrace it at a very young age.

Please share how you have saved for the special things in your life in the comment section.

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